Interested in Automotive College? Here's How to Get a Car Ready for a Road Trip

automotive college
The most important part of a road trip isn’t simply the journey—it’s the car being used on it. Any vehicle being taken for long drives will need to be in good shape in order to do so, and can have its lifespan extended in the process. When it comes to getting a car ready for a long stretch of time on the road, it’s always best to be too careful rather than not careful enough. Therefore, knowing which steps you must take as an auto mechanic to avoid potential issues during a long journey is important.
Here’s how you can make sure a car is ready to go for a road trip.

The First Step Is to Examine the Oil and Other Fluids Within the Vehicle

For any car owner hoping to get the most life and mileage out of their vehicle, it’s imperative that you take a look at how much oil is present in the car, as well as whether or not it’s clean. Even if it’s not quite time for oil to be changed or filled, it’s still a good idea to do both before a really long trip. Ensuring that it’s been topped up—and changing it frequently—should be the first phase in this process (though be sure to fully change it, rather than adding more to the existing oil), and will allow those driving to have a car better equipped for lengthy trips. This also goes for other types of fluids, such as the windshield wash, fluids for various parts (transmission, brakes, radiator), or coolant. Why? To have any fluid-related issues can lead to possible breakdowns down the road.

Change the oil outright, as opposed to adding more to the preexisting oil
Change the oil outright, as opposed to adding more to the preexisting oil

Automotive College Students Should Pay Attention to Air Pressure and Air Filters

One of the most crucial areas for anyone with an auto mechanic career to focus on before a long trip is how inflated the tires are, and if sufficient pressure is available. For the driver to improve their fuel economy and drive safely during the trip, use an air hose and pressure gauge to ensure that the tires are inflated with enough pressure. Additionally, examine the status of the air filters and cabin filters in case they need to be cleaned or changed, so that the car’s performance capabilities will go back to normal and clean air flows through to the engine. If the tires are not inflated as much as they should, this could cause serious consequences for the driver, such as fuel waste and/or blown-out tires.

Insufficient tire pressure could lead to the tires blowing out
Insufficient tire pressure could lead to the tires blowing out

Lastly, Don’t Forget to Inspect the Battery, Lights, and Any Electrical Components

Automotive college students must remember not to neglect this part of the process, as road trips cannot possibly go smoothly otherwise. This is particularly true if the car battery has corroded, or generally needs cleaning or a full replacement. Checking the status of the battery can inform you as to whether or not it needs replacing before your client hits the road, and if it’s in good enough working condition for a long amount of time spent driving. Also make sure that headlights, taillights, reverse lights, and brake lights are all in strong working condition, and that signals, indicators, and blinkers are also properly functioning. If these electrical parts aren’t working, this could spell all kinds of trouble for the driver.
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