Interested in an Auto Mechanic Career? Discover the Future of Auto Mechanics

Portrait of auto mechanic in repair shop makes a gesture thumbs up.
The world of automotive mechanics is one that is constantly changing and developing. Right now, the increasing development of both electric and self-driving vehicles is creating a new learning curve for auto mechanics as the industry evolves.
However, this should be cause for excitement and curiosity, rather than concern — after all, cars have been shape-shifting since they were first invented!While technology continues to evolve at a fast pace, professionals in many different fields will adapt with the times, and car mechanics are no exception. Here’s what the future of auto mechanics has in store.

The Future of Cars is Highly Connected, Marking a Transitional Period for Mechanics

As much as auto technology is always changing, the current point in time could easily be seen as a transitional period for auto mechanics. With vehicles and their manufacturers becoming more and more focused on connectivity and harnessing technological advancements, cars are becoming smarter, cleaner, more connected, and ultimately safer to drive.
Auto mechanics can use this time of transition as a way to grow into the role of an auto technology expert rather than simply a mechanic, as there could be a greater need for professionals who can work on and navigate more advanced, complex systems.

Self-Driving and Other Advanced Vehicles Could Be Part of Your Auto Mechanic Career

While students will most likely not get to work on autonomous vehicles during their auto mechanic training, reading about how they’re being developed can help you prepare for a possible future in which they are more prevalent.
The auto mechanics of the future could find themselves repairing and cleaning parts that are found in these types of cars, such as the sensors found in self-driving cars. As companies such as GM, Tesla, Waymo, and even Google work to make driverless vehicles a reality, service technicians will need increased education in how to diagnose and fix issues related to this technology. They may also find themselves working on alternative-fuel and electric vehicles, which contain motors powered by batteries rather than a typical internal combustion engine.

Electric cars include motors that are battery-powered rather than a combustion engine
Electric cars include motors that are battery-powered rather than a combustion engine

Auto Mechanics Could Also Work More WithSoftware in the Future

As engines change, so too do the systems around them. Driver assistance technologies, navigation support systems, and other connected components are all becoming more and more common in new vehicles. As a result, cars are increasingly becoming part of a larger network of vehicles thatshare information, rather than independently-controlled entities.
Some connected cars are also equipped with technologies that self-update and self-diagnose mechanical problems before even needing to visit a repair shop.Those with an auto mechanic career could do well to learn how to use software that relates to these types of vehicles.
Furthermore, mechanics may find themselves attending software training sessions (in addition to the typical hands-on vocational training they’ve always received), as well as regularly working on laptops and iPads.

Laptops and iPads could be increasingly regular tools in a mechanic’s job.
Laptops and iPads could be increasingly regular tools in a mechanic’s job.

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