Think You Know Cars? Take Part in our Contest and Win a $50 Gift Card!
Students who sign up for automotive school are typically pretty passionate about cars. Many of them have a working knowledge of parts and systems before they even pass through the front doors of CATI to take their first class! Keeping up-to-date with the latest models, specs and auto technology is an everyday affair for our students – and a foundation of our training programs.
But there are tons of amateur auto-lovers out there who do work on their own vehicles, follow industry news, and religiously visit every car show that comes to town – and they’ve never completed an official auto mechanic training program. We have to point out though that training is, without a doubt, an essential starting place for a successful auto career. Whether you’re interested in sales, management, auto repair or dispatcher training – employers want to see credentials when you apply for a position in the automotive industry. We’ve just noticed that a lot of our applicants already seem to know their way around a vehicle.
So, for all of you untrained experts out there who haven’t quite made the transition back to school – here’s your chance to stack your knowledge up against the skills of current CATI students. We’re running a contest to see just how well car-lovers know their car parts. All you have to do is identify the auto part featured in the blurred-out image we’ve posted on Facebook. If you get it right, you could win a $50 gift card from Petro Canada!
That’ll buy you some gas or a car wash – and some sweet bragging rights.
Just follow these few steps to be eligible to win!
1) Go on our Facebook page :
2) Take a guess at what the blurred image is by commenting under the contest post.
3) Fill out a short form on our website!
Head to our Facebook page and show us what you’ve got!