If you’ve never heard of the Ferrari Purosangue, that’s because it’s about to be the first of its kind. The 2022 Purosangue, set to be released in 2022, is a completely new model – but that’s not the only reason it’s got people talking. The Purosangue is the first SUV ever to be released by Ferrari, something that many auto enthusiasts thought they would never see from the iconic Italian manufacturer. However contentious or surprising this move may be, it’s a decision that mirrors the one made by Porsche in 2003. While there haven’t been many specifics released about the vehicle yet, there are a few things that we can speculate to be true about the Purosangue. If you’re entering a career in the automotive industry, check out what you can expect from the release of the 2022 Purosangue below.
If You Have Automotive Technician Training, Check Out How the Purosangue Performs
While we’re still not sure exactly what kind of engine the Purosangue will have, professionals with automotive technician training can expect this to be one of the more powerful SUVs on the market in 2022. The Purosangue is likely to be equipped with either a turbocharged V-8 or a V-12 engine, and there’s a good chance that Ferrari will offer the vehicle with both different options. With an estimated horsepower of 1000, this SUV is sure to turn heads on the road. What’s for certain is that as an SUV, the vehicle will be manufactured with all-wheel drive. Additionally, we can expect Ferrari to equip the Purosangue with a powerful hybrid powertrain option, given that the 2014 LaFerrari hypercar was equipped with a V-12, 950 horsepower hybrid powertrain. Check out how it drives on the racetrack:
What the Purosangue’s Design Will Look Like
If there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s that the Purosangue doesn’t look like a traditional SUV. This vehicle’s design is based on Ferrari’s Roma platform, but from a first look, it’s hard to spot the similarities. Unlike many SUVs, the Purosangue appears to be low to the ground and sleek in appearance. As those with auto mechanic training will be excited to note, this is an SUV that looks like it’s meant for the racetrack. The Purosangue is expected to seat four, with a length of around 0.3 metres. Additionally, it’s possible that Ferrari could include height-adjustable suspension.

Special Features We Can Expect the Purosangue to Have
Given that this vehicle is a Ferrari, we can expect it to come with an assortment of key safety features. These will include a lane-departure warning with lane-keeping assist, automated emergency braking (with pedestrian detection), and adaptive cruise control. While it’s not certain what kind of digital display the Purosangue will feature, we can expect navigation features to be standard. With these special features and the extreme power that this SUV is sure to be capable of, the debut of the Purosangue can’t come soon enough for Ferrari fans and all car enthusiasts!
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